Health & Safety

Health & Safety

Zero compromise towards safety.

Health and safety in the petroleum industry is of utmost importance to protect the well-being of workers, prevent accidents, and minimize environmental impact. It is the policy of Maxol Ltd to protect the environment and health and safety of our employees, and others (including visitors, contractors and the public) that may be affected by our operations.

Article 39 of the Constitution instructively provides that every Ugandan has a right to a clean and healthy environment. This provision is reiterated under section 3 of the 1995 National Environment Act Cap 153; and section 5(2) of the 2003 National Forestry and Tree Planting Act No. 8. This right has been defined to include:

  1. The right to freedom from pollution, environmental degradation and activities which threaten life, health or livelihood.
  2. Protection and preservation of air, soil, water, flora and fauna;
  3. Healthy food and water; and
  4. a safe and healthy working environment.

Environmental Protection

It is the responsibility of MAXOL LTD to protect the environment, ensure health and safety of our staff and others when carrying out any of our activities. Health, Safety and Environment performance are core values of MAXOL LTD and are managed as an integral part of our business to benefit employees, customers, neighbours and shareholders. All MAXOL LTD employees are responsible for assuring that we achieve continuous and measurable improvement. We shall ensure, as far as is reasonably possible, that these are achieved by:

  • Management’s commitment to health, safety and environment
  • Conducting business in a manner that protects the public, occupational health, the environment and employee safety
  • Striving to eliminate all accidents and environmental, health and safety laws or regulations
  • The provision of sufficient instructions, information, training and supervision to all employees.
  • The carrying out of comprehensive risk assessment to develop safe systems and procedures.
  • Weekly safety meetings and monthly drills at all job sites.

In view of this, all visitors entering our depots must of a necessity go through the guidelines given below.

  • You must always be accompanied by your host
  • Smoking is prohibited
  • All mobile phones must be switched off
  • You are to observe all safety notices and signs
  • Safety helmets must be worn
  • Any injury must be reported to your host for first aid
  • Consumption of food and drink are permitted at designated canteen or within the office block
  • Your host will assist you to know the location of the assembly point, manual call points and how to operate them in the event of a fire.
  • In the event of any emergency, you should stay calm and follow instructions.