Heavy Fuel Oil

Hevy Fuel Oil (HFO)

The fuel of progress.

Heavy Fuel Oil is a thick viscous residue left over from crude oil refining. It is used in industries and marine applications. Also known as bunker oil or residual kerosene. HFOs are mostly dark in color, ranging from black to brown, and have high energy densities.


Composition: Heavy fuel oil mainly consists of long chain hydrocarbons such as the heavy fractions of crude oil. It contains a large amount of residue that remains after light fractions such as gasoline and diesel are removed during the refining process.

Energy content: HFO has a high energy content.It is suitable for applications requiring large amounts of power. Widely used in large power plants, ships, industrial boilers, etc.

Viscosity: One of the defining characteristics of heavy fuel oil is its high viscosity, which means it is thick and flows slowly. Its viscosity can vary depending on the specific grade and temperature.